After Valencia already requested permission this week for the reintroduction of the curfew and Catalonia closed the nightlife, more and more sub-administrations in Spain want to introduce freedom-restricting new measures to reduce the rising number of infections.
June 21, was the last time a decrease in the number of corona infections was observed in Spain. At that time there were 93 per 100 thousand inhabitants. However, since then, the number has exploded and there are now almost 470 infections per 100 thousand inhabitants. Also when the number exceeds 250 there is already talk of ‘very high risk’.
As a result of this development, so far, four district councils have requested approval from their regional courts for the reintroduction of curfew. In addition to Valencia, these are Catalonia, Cantabria, and the Canary Islands. However, not all have been allowed to reinstate the curfew. The court of Valencia has given its approval. But the district council of the Canary Islands is not allowed to introduce the curfew. And furthermore, Catalonia and Cantabria are awaiting the judge’s verdict.
Only Castile-La Mancha, La Rioja, the Balearic Islands, Madrid, Navarra and Andalucia have not yet announced new measures.
Below is an overview of what is happening in the other regions.
The district council of Catalonia wants a curfew in Barcelona and in 157 other municipalities with an incidence above 400. If this is approved, no one will be allowed on the streets between 1.00am and 6.00am. This measure will then come into effect for more than 5 million people. According to data from the regional health ministry, 1,068 people per 100 thousand inhabitants have tested positive in the past two weeks. Catalonia hopes to put the curfew into effect next weekend.
There is already a maximum group size of ten people permitted, and it is not allowed to eat or drink outside. Additionally, nightlife must close at 0.30am.
The 157 municipalities for which the curfew has been requested can be found here.
Currently, Valencia is the only region so far to have the curfew approved. This has been in effect since 13 July in 32 municipalities of the region, from 1.00am to 6.00am. Here too, a maximum group size of ten people applies, both indoors and outdoors.
Until at least July 25, the nightlife must close its doors at 00.30am. In bars and restaurants the maximum group size is six people per table inside and ten outside. All regional parties have been cancelled. In the Valencia region, 385 people per 100 thousand inhabitants are infected with the corona virus. Here are the municipalities in the Valencian Community with a curfew.
With an incidence of 527, Cantabria also wants to introduce a curfew from 1.00am to 6.00am in more than half of the municipalities in the region. If approved by the court, it will take immediate effect and will remain in place for at least 14 days.
Furthermore, there is already a maximum group size of six people, both indoors and outdoors and both at home and in public places. After 8pm, shops and gas stations are no longer allowed to sell alcohol to prevent the so-called botellones, nightly drinking festivities on the street.
The 53 municipalities for which the curfew has been requested can be found here
Canary Islands
The court has not approved a curfew on the islands with the worst numbers. These are Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura. However, the regional council will decide on Thursday whether it will appeal against the judge’s decision.
Now all catering in the entire region must close at midnight, and the maximum group size depends on the incidence per island.
Basque Country
In the Basque Country, large groups will not be allowed to gather on the street from next weekend between midnight and 6.00am. The regional council has explicitly stated that it is not a curfew and therefore no permission from the court is required.
The regional government of Extremadura on Wednesday requested a perimeter lockdown at the court for the municipalities of Villafranca de los Barros, Salvatierra de los Barros and Valverde de Leganés. A perimeter lockdown has already been approved for the municipalities of Moraleja, Barcarrota, Valdelacalzada, Santa Amalia, Malpartida de Plasencia, Torrejoncillo and Salvaleón.
On Friday, the regional board will discuss possible further freedom-restricting new measures in the zones where hospital occupancy is increasing.
Regiopresent Alberto Núñez Feijóo announced last Tuesday he would take new measures. From next Tuesday, nightlife in this region will only be accessible to people with a negative PCR test result or vaccination certificate. In Galicia, 62.6% of the inhabitants have now received the second vaccination. Nightlife is closed in the municipalities with the worst epidemiological figures. Those are Ourense, Barbadás, O Barco de Valdeorras.
On terraces, a maximum of 10 people are allowed to share a table and interior spaces of bars and restaurants the number is 6.
Castile and Leon
The new measures introduced by the regional government of Castile and León last week will remain in force for at least two weeks. Nightlife here closes at 02:00, but the maximum capacity has been reduced to one third. Additionally, there is a maximum group size of ten people per table.
On Thursday, the regional council decides whether or not to request approval for a curfew. In 31 municipalities the incidence is higher than 1000. The highest incidence in all of Spain is registered in Burgos and Zamora. Also IC occupancy is highest in Burgos and Palencia.
In Murcia, nightlife is closed and in the 13 municipalities with warning level 3 the maximum group size has been reduced to 30% in bars and restaurants. Celebrations should only take place with a maximum of 30 people inside and 60 people on the terrace.
For the time being, the Murcia regional government does not want to introduce a curfew. The incidence in Murcia in the past 14 days is 190 infections per 100 thousand inhabitants.
The nightlife in the Asturias region has also been closed for at least 14 days since 13 July. Furthermore, shops and gas stations are not allowed to sell alcohol between 10pm and 6am.
In the Aragon region, nightlife doors close at 12:30am. Until then, no dancing is allowed and no people are allowed in after midnight. The catering industry must close at 11pm, with 50% maximum occupancy inside and 100% outside. Ten people are allowed per table. Likewise, that also applies to pubs and discotheques.
The region currently in the best position is Castile-La Mancha. Here, 136.81 cases of infection per 100 thousand inhabitants have been registered in the past 14 days. The incidence here is 419 among teenagers. Regional president Emiliano García-Page has said that he will not introduce new measures for the moment.
Madrid regional government has not yet announced any new measures. Meanwhile this region has the lowest percentage of vaccinations administered. 1.1 million doses of vaccine are still waiting in the fridge.