Vaccination drive in Spain – large regional differences

by Else BeekmanElse Beekman
Published: Updated:
Variraiton acorss regions for vaccination of 80-and-over group

New data reveals large differences between the regions. Andalucia records 91% while it is under 54% in Catalonia for vaccination of over 80-and-over age group.

On Wednesday, the Health Ministry released figures showing a total of 70.8% of the 80-and-over age group in Spain have received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. This is the first time there is a break down of the vaccination drive by age groups.

The Spanish government, according to the data, missed its goal of vaccinating 80% of the 80-and-over population with at least one shot in March.

Vaccination discrepancies across regions

In Spain, the responsibility for vaccination and control of the coronavirus lies with the autonomous regions. This approach shows a discrepancy in progress.

Andalucia, in the south, has achieved the best results with 90.8% of its 80-and-over population receiving at least one dose. Meanwhile, Catalonia only vaccinated 53.8% of this age group with at least one shot.

If the pace continues over Semana Santa, 80% of the 80-and-over population in Spain will be vaccinated by the end of this week.

Statistics by region for 80-and-over age group

Statistics for vaccine Spain


Age group receiving Pfizer and Moderna vaccines

This age group is receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccine. Both require two shots for full protection. Only 40.2% of people aged 80 and over in Spain have received the two doses.

Again, Andalucia tops the list, with 58.1% of this priority group fully vaccinated. The Basque Country, with the lowest figure of all the regions, comparatively has fully vaccinated only 24%.

Spain expects to receive 1.2million doses of the Pfizer vaccine each week in April. This would be sufficient to fully vaccinate the whole of the 80-and-over group within two weeks. It would also mean the mass vaccination of the 70-79 population could begin country-wide in mid-April.

Next priority group

Alongside the 70-79 age group, patients with medical conditions that make them vulnerable to COVID-19 will also receive the vaccine.

There are around 355,000 patients with conditions such as transplant, oncology, dialysis, HIV infection and primary immune deficiency.

The plan also prioritises 10,000 people aged over 40 with Down Syndrome.

Other groups vaccinated

The Health Ministry report also shows the percentage of other age groups vaccinated. In the 70-to79 population, 3.9% have received at least one dose. This figure is 9.2% for the 60 to 69 age group; 11.2% for people aged between 50 and 59; 10.3% for the 25-to-49 age group and 4.7% of the 18-to-25 demographic.

There are three reasons why these groups received the vaccine: for being a resident of a care centre, an adult with disabilities who does not live in a care home or an essential worker.

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