Travel around Spain during Easter – what’s possible?

by Else BeekmanElse Beekman
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Where can you travel in Spain during Easter?

The Ministry of Health and autonomous regions agree that in Spain during Easter, all regions, except the Balearic and Canary Islands, will close their borders. This applies to Semana Santa (Holy Week before Easter), as well as the long weekend of San Jose.

What movement is possible in Spain during Easter? 

At the moment, only the Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Extremadura and the Madrid region allow travellers to enter and leave their territory. A number of sub-regions allow travel between provinces within their respective regions, while in others it is prohibited.

The Spanish newspaper EL MUNDO gives an overview of the current mobility measures per region. These mobility measures will apply between 26 March and 9 April.


The borders of Andalucia and its eight provinces remain perimeter closed. Municipalities with more than 500 cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants will also remain closed.


Aragon maintains regional lockdown but has reopened the borders between its three provinces from 12 March.


Asturias also bans entry and exit. In addition, a perimeter lockdown is in place for communities with an alert level of 4+.

Balearic Islands

The Balearic Islands have not declared a perimeter blockade. However, travellers coming from Ceuta, Melilla or any Spanish autonomous community in which the accumulated incidence has exceeded 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, must present a negative diagnostic COVID test on arrival and fill in a health control form.

Basque Country

For the Basque Country, the region’s perimeter is closed. However, residents of the Basque country can now move without restrictions within the autonomous community, something that has not been possible since 13 January.

Canary Islands

The Canary Islands are also not subject to a perimeter barrier.  Anyone travelling to the islands must present a negative COVID test, carried out in the 72 hours prior to arrival. In addition, special restrictions apply to the islands with alert levels 3 and 4.


For the Cantabria sub-regions the perimeter ‘fence’ applies.

Castilla and León

The regional borders of Castilla y León are also closed, but travel between the provinces in the sub-region is allowed.

Castilla-La Mancha

Castilla-La Mancha maintains the perimeter fence. Residents can move between the provinces of Cuenca and Guadalajara, as they form a single territorial unit since they are in Phase 3. Those living in Albacete, Ciudad Real or Toledo are not allowed to leave the province.


In Catalonia, the perimeter fence applies, both to the autonomous community and between the regions. On 12 March, the constituent government eased travel between different areas of the region for people from the same household.

Madrid sub-region

The Madrid sub-region allows free travel to and from its territory. There are only perimeter limits in the basic health areas or in municipalities with restrictions.

Valencian Community

The Valencian Community has closed borders. The regional government, the Generalitat, lifted the weekend closure that applied to towns with more than 50,000 inhabitants from 1 March.


Currently there are no regional or municipal closures in Extremadura.


Galicia prohibits entry and exit without justification. In addition, the Xunta has established three alert levels, depending on the incidence of the coronavirus. The strictest level- level 1 – applies to communities with more than 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Here the municipal lockdown remains in force, unless there are valid reasons to travel.

Both the middle and the least severe levels allow residents to travel between municipalities with the same virus incidence.

La Rioja

La Rioja has a regional lockdown.


The Murcia region is subject to a perimeter lockdown. The municipalities with the highest alert level have closed perimeters.


The Government of Navarra maintains a perimeter closure of its territory.

Ceuta and Melilla

The autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla are closed.

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