Spain requalified as ‘extreme risk’

by Lorraine Williamson
Covid extreme risk - the domino effect

MADRID – The “fifth wave” is even more intense, but less deadly. This is how experts describe the current situation of the exponentially rising corona figures. Today, Spain passed the 250 cases per 100,000 population mark, making it again a case of ‘extreme risk’. 

The much more contagious delta variant is one of the main causes of the exponentially rising corona numbers in Spain. Today, Spain has registered an average of more than 252 corona cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the past two weeks. Therefore, the situation in Spain is now regarded as ‘extreme risk’. 

Spain’s fifth corona wave surpasses the previous one 

Experts also report the corona positive incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants, has increased by 121% in less than two weeks. In comparison; during the third wave, from January to March 2021, the number of cases increased by 38% in the first 13 days. 

Although numbers from this fifth wave break all previous records, this wave appears to be the least lethal of all. However the pressure on hospital care cannot yet be called extreme. That is the tentative conclusions that experts have been able to draw over the past two weeks. 

Causes lag behind deaths in Spain 

Two reasons can be identified for this. Firstly it is mainly young people who are infected. Moreover, generally they have fewer underlying diseases and often better resistance than older target groups. Additionally, Spain has made further progress with vaccinations. And as such, this means people may become infected, but no longer become so sick that they end up in hospital or even die from Covid-19. 

However, for the time being, this is also reflected in the statistics of the past two weeks. Although there is a clear peak in the number of positive tested cases, it is not visible in the national charts of the number of hospital admissions and death rates. Nevertheless, some Spanish regions, including Catalonia, have indicated that they are seeing an increase in the percentage of IC admissions. What is striking here is the young age (under 25 years) of the patients. 

Despite the fact that the pressure on hospitals is not yet as high as before, some Spanish regions have already decided to roll back some relaxation or impose additional measures, such as limiting nightlife. 

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